Orders & Payments
Q: How do I place an order?
A: You can place an order online through our website or contact our customer service team for assistance.
Q: What payment methods are supported?
A: We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal.
Q: Is there a minimum order amount requirement?
A: Yes, we do.
Delivery & Returns
Q: How do I arrange delivery?
A: We will arrange for a logistics company to deliver the goods, and the specific time depends on the shipping option and location you choose.
Q: Do you accept international orders?
A: Yes, we can serve customers worldwide.
Q: How do I process returns?
A: Please check our Return Policy page for detailed return terms and procedures.
Products & Services
Q: How many types of tile products do you have?
A: We offer a variety of types and styles of tiles to suit different decorative needs.
Q: Do you provide installation services?
A: Currently we only sell products and do not provide installation services.
Customer Support
Q: How do I contact our customer support team?
A: You can contact our customer support team via email or call our customer service hotline.
Q: How do I know the status of my order?
A: You can log in to your account to check the status of your order, or contact the customer service team for real-time updates.